Viele tolle Videos von Computerspielen, bei denen man staunen mag, wie schnell manche durch die Level rasen und wie viel einem normalsterblichen Spieler doch so entgeht.

Speed running, trying to complete a videogame in the fastest time possible, is almost as old as gaming itself. At least, it's almost as old as games that have a definite end point or staging points, since speedrunning a game with infinitely repeating levels is Sisyphean.

This collection hosts downloadable movie files documenting the swiftest possible way to complete videogames, such Quake, Metroid, Zelda and many others, from Speed Demos Archive, Nesvideos and other sources.

Unless specifically noted as an 'emulated' run, all speed runs are done on the original game hardware, using only the normal save points available to a player.

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